Pobi Memorial School, Jollang Daath,Itanagar.
Mon - Sat 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Lt. Takio Tahi (Father) & Lt. Takio Yaming (Mother) bigot a son Lt. Er. Takio Pobi of Jorung vilage, Palin, Kurung Kumey District in the year 1978; Lt. Er. Takio Pobi after completing his education served as an engineer in the rural development department, govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, from 1997-2001
In commemorating the great service rendered by Lt. Er. Takio Pobi, who, in his lifetime always was the pioneer in educating the unprivileged and contributed immensely to uplift the economic condition of family members. Lt. Er. Pobi was a pious and hard working person who constantly advocated others to give best education to their children and relatives
Remembering his love and affection, we the family members have decided to establish an Institution in his name Pobi Memorial School (PMS) at Jollang (Daath) Village, Itanagar which would impart one of the best educations to the children.
I am sure that through this Institution I may contribute little to the society in imparting quality education to the children who might become a responsible and worthy member of the society tomorrow.